Recent obsession-- I should get paid for this
And let me drive my point across at how obsessed I am with this ice cream. There have been some days when I wake up and the first thing I reach for is this little heavenly bar. Also, there have been days when I didn't anything else but a few bars. I know it sounds kinda gross, but trust me it's not. I've been eating this so much recently that now I have my brother hooked too. When people come over, I ask them to bring me some. I currently have about 4 boxes in the freezer. I'm all set for some time as long as my brother doesn't eat it all. He has a tendency to eat a lot.
By the way, I am not the only one who loves this ice cream. It has been featured in Self magazine as a good fairly healthy snack. It's also received the Best Taste Award from the American Culinary Institute. And I assume that those people know what they're talking about.
Creamy Coconut is not the only flavor, so if you hate coconut, you can still get some good stuff going. My second favorite flavor is Tropical, which has banans, pineapple, orange, passion fruit, peaches, has only 100 calories a bar, no fat, and is an excellent source of vitamin C. And it is dairy free for the vegans. Yay!!! Another good flavor is Wild Berry which is only 80 calories a bar, no fat, no dairy, and lots of vitamin C. Other flavors include: Grape, Lemonade, Lime (also good), Orange and Cream, Peach, Strawberry, and Tangerine. Thay also have some variety packs for those of us who can't make up their minds. I haven't tried all the flavors, but I bet they're pretty good.
Just so you know I ate a bar of Creamy Coconut while writing this. It was really good.
hmm, czy ja wiem, nie ma czegos takiego jak jedna jedyna.. a moze to ja nie mialem okazji doswiadczyc, w kazdym razie milosc to zainteresowanie, zauroczenie, poznanie sie, zaufanie, radosc z bycia z kims, tesknota i wiernosc.. jesli sa jakies watpliwosci, trzeba rozmawiac, duzo rozmawiac.. pulapka jest 'on/ona sie zmieni dla mnie' bez rozmowy z kims o tym.. a co do pytania.. chcesz z kims byc i jest ci z nim dobrze albo nie. i tyle. (mala czarownica 24? 2420560 ;)
umm.. i powyzszy komentarz odnosi sie do poprzedniego postu, oops. :)
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